Dress Code

Standard School Attire

Metro Schools generally requires Standard School Attire for all students; however, for the 2022-2023 school year, this requirement will be temporarily suspended at Glendale. Students and families will be able to choose what to wear to school within the following guidelines: No spaghetti straps, crop tops, strapless tops, muscle shirts, off-shoulder tops, tank tops, or sleeveless tops. The length of the skirts, skorts, and shorts should extend below the student’s fingertips when the student’s arms are extended at his/her sides.

The move to Standard Attire in 2007 put Metro Nashville Public Schools in step with other school districts across the nation seeking to increase school safety and create a calmer, more productive learning environment.

Standard Attire includes navy blue, black or khaki slacks, shorts or skirts and solid colored shirts with short or long sleeves and a collar. Glendale students have the option to wear Glendale spirit wear every day with their SSA bottoms.